Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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Projects, l-r: Helen Schwenken, SFB 1604, Julia Becker


Project Group A ›Figures‹

(A1) The Production of the ›Others‹: (De-)Thematizing Migration-Related Difference

Project Leader: Julia Becker, Social Psychology

(A2) The Production of the Discriminated in Antiracist Movements

Project Leader: Aladin El-Mafaalani, Educational Science

(A3) »You are Guest Worker Children!« Science, School and the Production of Figures of Migration

Project Leader: Christoph Rass, History | Lale Yildırım, Didactics of History

(A4) Fragmented Worlds of Work in the (Post-)Pandemic: The Production of Inequality
through Figures of Migrant Workers

Project Leader: Hajo Holst, Sociology

(A5) ›Refugees‹ and Others: The Production of Refugee-Related Figures since the 1970s

Project Leader: Isabella Löhr, History | Jochen Oltmer, History

Project Group C ›Spaces‹

(C1) The Production of Urban Spaces of Migration by Local Administrations and Science

Project leader: Jochen Oltmer, History | Andreas Pott, Social Geography

(C2) ›Unmaking Migrants?‹ The Production of the EU’s Internal and External Borders
and their Effects in Historical-Postcolonial Perspective

Project leader: Christiane Reinecke, History

(C3) The Production of Spaces of Skilled Migration: Recruitment and Mobility of  Physicians

Project leader: Christine Lang, Social Geography

(C4) The Production of Spaces of Migrant Disappearance

Project leader: Maurice Stierl, Political Sociology/Geography

(C5) The Production of Climate Flight as an Occasion for Theorisation

Project leader: Andreas Pott, Social Geography | Thomas Scheffer, Sociology